357 Curved Drain Tube 1/8" OD Infant

357 Curved Drain Tube 1/8" OD Infant
Item# 357
Call in to place an order (301)772-6150

Product Description

The Slaughter Drain Tubes listed below are the finest drain tubes obtainable. They are made of precision brass tube in hard temper with a full chrome plate. Their general construction has made them universally accepted by the trade. For years they have retained their Free Bore, Relief Chamber, Eccentric Probe Point Piston, Metallic Seal and Articulated Pistons. The true gland cap packing chamber functions independently of the tube cap. Only the tube cap is removed to present plunger and tube for cleansing. Packed with long fiber asbestos saturated with flake graphite, which is ideal for sealing as well as lubricating. Relief chamber prevents back pressure when pistons are in rear position. Eccentric Probe Point makes for ease of insertion as well as increased clot breaking capacity. Their closely fitted pistons provide a much needed suction by simple piston movement back and forth.